C.A.R.S. assists widows, single parents, veterans and others who have vehicle repair needs. For many transportations is the major factor standing in the way of getting a job, finishing education, or taking care of a family's basic needs. A broken-down vehicle could be the end of a job, and the fragile family support system breaks down from there. C.A.R.S. provides an auto shop with volunteer mechanics that help keep these vehicles on the road.

For every individual and family, we are able to reach with the message of hope and grace, our prayer is that we are fulfilling our mission. Led by David Soliman, our team at C.A.R.S. Ministry is passionate about the work we do, and with a singular focus to uplift the name of Jesus Christ.

Our leadership team comes from different cultural backgrounds and we are privileged to pool our hearts and energy together to bridge gaps where they exist in our society. We care because we can all make a difference in our small ways, irrespective of our resources and limitations.

We are continually building relationships with individual partners, organizations, and churches to share in our work to bring the love of Jesus with our brothers and sisters from all walks of life.

Christ is INDEED Able to Restore Souls, and we choose to be His Hands and Feet.